George Lappas

George Lappas

1950 Born in Cairo, of Greek Nationality
1969-73 Reed College, Portland, Oregon, USA. BA in Psychology. Works in State Mental Hospitals: Salem, Oregon, San Diego, California; San Francisco, San Jose, California.
1974 Watson Fellowship: One year in India. Indian Architecture and Sculpture
1975 AA School of Architecture, London
1976-81 School of Fine Arts, Athens, Departement of Sculpture
1984-85 French Government grant for Sculpture, Ecole Superieure des Beaux Arts, Paris
1985-86 Works and travels in France and Britain
1991 Residence at the Cartier Foundation, Jouy-en-josas, France
1995 Works and travels in the U.K., U.S.A., Japan


1981 "Iron Grids", Zoumboulakis Gallery, Athens
1983 "Abacus", Zoumboulakis Gallery, Athens
1987 "Mappemonde", Zoumboulakis Gallery, Athens
1990 "Dice", Jean Bernier Gallery, Athens
1991 "Dice Works", the Tramway, Glasgow
1992 "New Burghers", Albert Baronian Gallery, Brussels
1992 "Sculptures", Tanit Gallery, Munich
1993 "The Stance of the Artist", Jean Bernier Gallery, Athens
1994 "Equivalence of Masses and Persons", Jean Bernier Gallery, Athens
1996 "Parafratellinalia", Warehouse 1-Port Authority, Yeni Tzami, Municipality of Thessaloniki

© ART TOPOS, 1996
Last update: 3 Aug. 1996